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Amazon launches wearable technology store in UK

Ecommerce giant Amazon has opened a new store in UK dedicated to wearable technology, which will be selling more than 100 wearable devices like smart watches, smart glasses, activity trackers, and wearable cameras.

Apart from having products from brands like Samsung, Sony, GoPro and Jawbone, the store will also retail products from emerging brands like Misfit and Basis.

The wearable technology store will also have a Learning Center which includes buying guides, product details, images, videos, reviews, compatibility information along with expert recommendations.

Most of the products will be delivered by Amazon's one-day delivery programme, Amazon Prime.

Amazon's vice president of EU Retail Xavier Garambois said: "The advances in wearable technology mean that customers can now charge their phone through their clothing, monitor their sleep patterns and even track their pets."

"This new store allows customers to find whatever they are looking for in one place - whether that is tracking fitness, staying connected through smart watches or capturing every adventure with wearable cameras," Garambois said.

Amazon's director of consumer electronics of UK Andrew Milliken said, "Sales of wearable technology devices have taken off in the last year with many customers already using them on a daily basis."

"The focus is also on providing customers with all the information they need to understand these new devices and make the best possible choice."

According to reports the global market for wearable technology is expected to reach £4.9 billion in 2018.

Source : CBR Online

11 July 2014

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Thank you for the excellent presentation that you gave at Woodbury Park on Thursday morning. It was very interesting and thought-provoking for our Retail members. The feedback has been excellent.

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