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Argos to open first Scottish island branch on Stornoway

Argos has revealed they are creating 18 new jobs in Stornoway with their brand new store which will be their first ever on a Scottish island.

Shopfitters are currently hard at work on behalf of the retail giants who are moving into the former premises of Furniture World on Cromwell Street, Stornoway, and Argos have confirmed they are aiming to open the doors for business at the end of January as part of their intention to have a store within ten miles of most homes in the UK.

Offering both full-time and part-time positions, the new store will provide islanders with access to the full catalogue range, jewellery and watch gallery, and an open technology display.

Marshall Priceman, area manager for West Scotland, said: “We appreciate and respect local tradition and we are extremely happy to be given the opportunity to deliver choice, value and convenience for the Isle of Lewis.

“We are committed to falling in line with the local retail environment by providing the community with great customer service which is fast, friendly and efficient.

“This is the first occasion that an Argos store will be opening on a Scottish Island, which entails many benefits for the business and local community alike.

“This fantastic opportunity will allow us to develop a strong working relationship with the Stornoway community as our store colleagues will be sourced directly from the local area.”

Source : Stornoway Gazette

10 November 2011
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Thank you for the excellent presentation that you gave at Woodbury Park on Thursday morning. It was very interesting and thought-provoking for our Retail members. The feedback has been excellent.

Martin Elliott. Chief Executive - Home Hardware.

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