BCF Launches Online History Archive At 110th Year Celebration

2022 marks the 110th year since the inaugural meeting of The National Federation of Associated Paint, Colour and Varnish Manufacturers of the United Kingdom.
As part of the celebrations, the British Coatings Federation (BCF) has created an online resource of the history archives of the many different associations that make up the BCF’s long history. Annual reports, minute books and photographs from paints, coatings and printing ink associations date back to 1911. The archives are available to preview on an online platform called 'e-Hive', a web-based collection cataloguing system. To access the online archive visit:
The physical collection is held at the BCF office and is now available to view in person. If you like to visit us to view our collection, please contact for more information and to book.
The BCF gathered its Past Presidents to help launch the new history archive. The party were given a tour of the BCF office in Coventry and a chance to look through the extensive archive of historic documents and records of the association’s history. BCF’s Chief Executive, Tom Bowtell, gave a presentation on the current issues facing the sector, which was followed by lunch and a guided tour of Coventry’s historic district.
‘It’s fantastic we can make our comprehensive archive of the paints and printing ink association history available to the public for the first time’, said current BCF President, Guy Williams. ‘We welcome historians or anyone with an interest in the industry’s history to make an appointment to visit the BCF’s offices in Coventry.’
Group photo of all attendees of Past President’s event at BCF office Spectra House: from Left to right – Margaret Knight, Peter Rieck (00-01, 02-04), Ping Rieck, Tom Bowtell (BCF), John Cunningham (96- 97) , David Thomas (07-09), David Beckford (18-20), Marjorie Thomas, John Boland (01-02), Barbara Cunningham, Chris Harris (95-96), Dr Steve Snaith (11-13), Nigel Bond (04-06) and Quintin Knight (86- 87).
Source : BCF

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