BHETA signs up host of new housewares members
BHETA says it has gained a significant number of new housewares members as a result of its introduction of several new services.
Eleven housewares companies have joined the trade association in recent months, interest in membership having been boosted by sales initiatives such as the inaugural meet-the-buyers day with Homebase.
Said housewares sector director Will Jones: "Considering the difficult trading environment, I'm delighted at the number of new members who've joined BHETA this year - companies such as Candlelight, Ascaso, Le Chateaux Textiles, DuPont, AB Homewares, City Look Imports, Cloakrooms, NJ Products, Whitford, Autere (Bobble) and Curver.
"The new members reflect an interesting cross-section of suppliers from large multinationals to medium-sized businesses through to a husband and wife team. They all offer very different product ranges, but ultimately all supply the same housewares market and all face the same challenges."
As well as organising the first meet-the-buyers event, the association has also just launched BHETA Connex to facilitate export and distributor partnerships.
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