B&Q looks to reduce complexity of supply chain
B&Q is focusing on reducing complexity in its end-to-end supply chain to reduce costs and support lower prices, according to parent company Kingfisher.
In its preliminary results, Kingfisher said sales at B&Q UK& Ireland were up 0.4 per cent (+0.1 per cent like-for-like) to £3.7 billion.
In October last year, Kevin O’Byrne, an executive director of Kingfisher, assumed direct leadership of B&Q UK& Ireland. He has brought in three executives from sister company Screwfix: Steve Willett, previously Screwfix CEO; David Lowther, supply chain; and Guy Eccles, HR.
O’Byrne has been tasked with re-energising the business. Examples of priorities include improving store navigation and customer communication, and driving footfall with better targeted marketing.
The other priority is to simplifying the business and grow sales and economic profit to make it more agile in the market place and more efficient.
“Examples of priorities include delivering a seamless and efficient omni-channel experience for customers, optimising the store footprint, reducing complexity in the end to end supply chain thereby reducing costs to support lower prices, and undertaking a detailed review of all the 19 categories across our stores focusing on customer needs and business models,” the group said.
Overall, Kingfisher report a 5.2 per cent rise in sales to £11.1bn, while pre-tax profit was up 4.1 per cent to £744m.
Source : Logistics Manager

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