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Builders’ merchants and retailers sign up to water-efficiency scheme

Travis Perkins, Saint Gobain, Wolseley and Chandlers’ Building Supplies have joined a scheme to label products that help consumers identify the water efficiency of taps, showers and baths.

The voluntary labelling programme, launched by WRAP, will see labelling appear on products next summer using the existing Water Label. This follows a similar approach to the Energy Efficiency Label found on appliances such as fridges and freezers.

The data on water use will also be added at point-of-sale and on websites over the next 12 months. This is intended to give the industry time to make the necessary changes ready to start rolling out to consumers by the summer of 2014.

The agreement to label full product ranges for showers, taps, toilets and baths was reached by a cross-industry group brought together by WRAP at the request of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.

Other companies that have signed up to label bathroom appliances include Argos, B&Q, Homebase and Southern Water.

Source : Builders Merchants’ News

11 July 2013
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Thank you for the excellent presentation that you gave at Woodbury Park on Thursday morning. It was very interesting and thought-provoking for our Retail members. The feedback has been excellent.

Martin Elliott. Chief Executive - Home Hardware.

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