Discounters Pre-Let Units at Proposed New Alton Retail Development

The Sussex based Hargreaves Group is progressing their retail warehouse development at Mill Lane Retail Park in Alton, Hampshire. The development on this redundant brownfield site will bring substantial investment and job opportunities for the area
Pre-lets are in place with Lidl and Home Bargains who will take 21,612 sq. ft and 15,000 sq. ft units respectively. Unit 2, the last remaining unit extending to 8,159 sq. ft. is still available to let.
A planning application has been submitted for the scheme and which is due to be determined in September 2019 with PC in late 2020.
Richard Andrew, Managing Director of the Hargreaves Group commented: “The development of the site will complement the existing town centre by providing much needed larger retail floor plates and will create employment opportunities and investment for Alton and the surrounding area. We are very excited to be bringing this development forward and investing in Alton”.
Hargreaves are advised by Stockford Anderson and CWM Out of Town.
Source : Insight DIY Team and Hargreaves

Thank you for the excellent presentation that you gave at Woodbury Park on Thursday morning. It was very interesting and thought-provoking for our Retail members. The feedback has been excellent.