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Dobbies Announces Helping Your Community Grow Shortlist

Dobbies_CommunityGrow 02 (C) Andrew Cawley 3]

Dobbies, the UK’s leading garden centre, is helping Britain’s community projects brighten up their green spaces with its Helping Your Community Grow initiative.

This spring, Dobbies is supporting a range of sustainable projects across the country through its popular initiative, from wildflower gardens which support local bumblebee populations to community allotments helping kids to grow their own. 

In recent months, community projects were invited to nominate themselves for support and now, where there were multiple nominations, there is a shortlist as selected by the local team members. People in those areas have the chance to vote for their favourite project. 

The winning projects across the UK will then receive advice, products and support from their local Dobbies’ team. Sustainable products, such as peat-free compost and recycled pots, will be use wherever possible. 

Dobbies’ CEO, Graeme Jenkins, said: “Helping Your Community Grow is a really popular initiative and we’ve seen a great response from community groups and projects across the UK looking to make a difference to their local area. It’s been great to see so many projects place importance on sustainability and environmentally-friendly products. 

“Now the community voting gets underway and we’re looking forward to seeing which projects receive our support.” 

In addition to the regional winners, the project which receives the most votes across the UK will win the national Helping Your Community Grow title, gaining additional support from Dobbies to deliver their project. 

There will be further opportunities for community groups looking to brighten up their local areas. Community groups are invited to contact their local store for details of the community initiatives available on a case-by-case basis.

Voting will remain open until 16 May. For more information on how to register your vote, visit Helping Your Community Grow | Dobbies Garden Centres.

Source : Dobbies 

Image : (C) Andrew Cawley 

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26 April 2022

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