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Dream Home App launched for i-phone

There’s something very anthropomorphic about homes and houses, as we tend to think of a domicile as a very real part of our physical presence.

The outside and the inside are given different forms of attention, care and styling, and we’re perpetually fascinated by their appearance while happily overlooking their essential maintenance.

This is probably the reason why we’re also fascinated by house buying, interior design and development programs on the TV.

These are the brick and mortar equivalents of watching hospital, or live surgery programs, as out morbid curiosity drives to us to keep watching in case there’s a bit of blood, or something goes horribly (and entertainingly) wrong.

The Dream Home app feeds into that morbid, voyeuristic fascination, and as repellent as that attitude might actually be, there’s no denying its allure.

And it might be called Dream Home, but by definition that includes more than a few nightmares, too, which serves to bolster that macabre fascination all the more.

Really the app is just a slideshow with a great interface and lots of navigation options. Professional photos of some of the craziest, most stylish, and downright bizarre room designs from across the world are yours to browse, with the intention of gaining a bit of inspiration for your own interior design projects (and to have a sneaky peek inside folks’ living rooms and bedrooms, of course).

You can choose to view by room, by colour of by design, so if you are looking for some kind of specific artistic stimulus, you don’t have to spend hours going through irrelevant photos.

Users can also submit their own pictures to the developer, which promises regular weekly updates to keep your voyeuristic pleasures pumping.

Recently the app was updated to include wardrobes and garden landscaping, so if nothing else it can save you a trip to B&Q or Ikea when hunting for new ideas.

It’s a very specific app, but just like those dreadful home improvement shows on TV, it’s surprisingly difficult to take your eyes off.

Source : Spanner Spencer - Know your mobile

15 July 2010
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