Ex-Kingfisher Director Nigel Whittaker dies
Former Kingfisher director Nigel Whittaker, who also drove the campaign for Sunday trading, passed away over the weekend after a long illness.
The co-founder of management consultancy Reputation Inc, which counts the Competition Commission, the Audit Commission and the Financial Services Authority as clients, graduated from Clare College, Cambridge, in 1971 having read law.
He began his career with legal roles at Hoffmann-La Roche and British Sugar, where he met Geoff Mulcahy, with whom he formed B&Q-owner Kingfisher in 1982. Whittaker joined the main board in 1983.
He became a leading light of the retail world, making his mark in the debate on relaxing Sunday trading laws. He went on to join Hill & Knowlton and then Edelman.
The 62-year-old leaves wife Joyce and three grown-up sons.
Source : Daily Mail

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