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GfK: August sees consumer confidence increase by three points

GfK’s UK Consumer Confidence Index has increased three points this month to 1. All five measures used to calculate the Index Score saw increases this month.

Nick Moon, Managing Director of Social Research at GfK, comments:

“It looks as if we might be in a new period of relative stability for the index. After several months of almost constant increase, the last four months have all seen the Index within a range of 0 plus or minus 2. And indeed the last five months have all been within a range of -1 (plus or minus 2). There is no guarantee how long this stable position will last – a rush of good or bad economic news could set off a marked rise or fall, but things could stay like this for a while – in 2011/12 there was more than a year when the index stayed in the range of -31 plus or minus 2.

It is worth noting that the score for the two questions concerning the last 12 months rose by more than the two concerning the next 12 months, suggesting that people are reassessing the past more than feeling more hopeful about the future.”

Source : GfK

29 August 2014
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Thank you for the excellent presentation that you gave at Woodbury Park on Thursday morning. It was very interesting and thought-provoking for our Retail members. The feedback has been excellent.

Martin Elliott. Chief Executive - Home Hardware.

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