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GfK reports growth in the ‘room specific’ DIY sector

Looking at the start of the year across the DIY sector there is one particular area that stands out in showing positive growth; ‘room specific’ sector including categories such as kitchens and bathrooms.

The start of the year is traditionally a time when consumers look to start a fresh and take advantage of the seasonal promotions on offer, and this year seems no different.

Total room specific value grew 3% January – February 2013 vs. January – February 2012 and represents somewhat of a recovery compared to the previous decline of 19% in January – February 2012 vs. January – February 2011. It also meant that when considering total market sales, room specific again accounted for over half of all turnover in the year so far.

Within this, it was kitchens that performed best, showing a 12% value growth in contrast to the bathroom/shower sector which declined by 7%. Perhaps this indicates the increasing importance of the kitchen as a focal point of the home. It also seems to correlate with the growth we have seen within the food preparation and hot beverage makers sectors in recent times.

(Source: GfK TSR, Total Market, YTD February 2013)

Source : Simon Foy – GfK

27 March 2013
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Thank you for the excellent presentation that you gave at Woodbury Park on Thursday morning. It was very interesting and thought-provoking for our Retail members. The feedback has been excellent.

Martin Elliott. Chief Executive - Home Hardware.

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