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GfK: UK consumer confidence drops by three points

GfK’s UK Consumer Confidence Index has decreased three points this month to -2. All five measures used to calculate the Index Score saw decreases this month.

Nick Moon, Managing Director of Social Research at GfK, comments:

“No sooner had the Index crossed into positive territory last month – for the first time in nearly 10 years – than it fell back into the negative, standing this month at -2. All five of the component parts of the Index fell this month, with four-point drops in both the questions about the country’s general
economic situation being particularly noticeable.

"The almost relentless rise of the last six months couldn’t continue indefinitely, and the government will be hoping this is just a temporary setback rather than the forerunner of a wider decline in confidence.”

Source : GfK

31 July 2014
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