Homebase introduces 5 Year Guarantee on plant range
DIY and gardening chain hopes to "inspire and reassure" customers with plant guarantee and new Chelsea Collection. The guarantee covers all hardy plants and means that customers will be able to return products that have not grown in the way indicated on the care card.
"Homebase works closely with its growers, which ensures the quality of our plants," said trading director for garden and seasonal Amy Whidburn. "We hope this guarantee will help inspire even novice gardeners with the confidence to personalise their gardens."
Homebase is also launching a special range of plants, inspired by the garden it is sponsoring at this year's Chelsea Flower Show. The Chelsea Collection, which is predominantly hardy plants, will arrive in Homebase stores in May, and is covered by the new plant guarantee.
The Homebase Cornish Memories show garden, designed by Tomas Hoblyn, aims to reflect the more informal expanses of Cornish gardens, says the firm.
Kingfisher-owned chain B&Q will also be creating a show garden for Chelsea this year. Working with award-winning designers Laurie Chetwood and Patrick Collins, B&Q's garden will incorporate everything edible to help inspire the British public to grow their own food.
The garden will feature a 9cm high tower with vertical allotment and potting shed, as well as biodiversity wall.
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