Houzz Study Finds Pets Are A Priority During Home Renovations

Houzz Inc., the leading platform for home building, remodelling and design, empowering industry professionals and their clients with all-in-one project management and design software, today released the 2024 UK Houzz Pets & the Home Study. The survey of more than 1,600 respondents found that more than half prioritise pets in their decision-making process when upgrading their home (53%). Considerations include pet-friendly products and materials (29%) and choosing design or functionality specific to their pet, like incorporating space for an animal’s bed or feeding station (28%).
“As pet ownership rates continue to increase, we’re seeing an impact on home renovation decisions,” said Marine Sargsyan, Houzz staff economist.
“Whether selecting pet-friendly materials or incorporating built-in feeding stations and cosy nooks, homeowners are designing spaces that prioritise the needs of all family members, including pets. This highlights the important role pets play in shaping how people invest in and customise their homes, often with the help of professionals.”
Nearly 9 in 10 renovating pet owners hired a professional to help with their project (87%). Specialty trades, such as electricians and plumbers, and builders were hired most frequently (44% and 43%, respectively). Three in 10 renovating pet owners hired flooring specialists for their projects (30%), which may be unsurprising given that flooring was the most common project among this group (58%), followed by wall or skirting board upgrades (47%).
Nearly two-thirds of renovating pet owners made special arrangements for their pets during renovation projects (63%). The majority limited access for their furry friends within the home (49%), and 7% temporarily moved their animal out of the home. Contractors on Houzz suggest creating a pet policy for homeowners and pros to follow during a project to ensure the safety of humans and their four-legged friends.
Additional insights from the 2024 UK Houzz Pets & the Home Study include:
Animal House: Nearly 3 in 5 pet owners have a single pet (58%), however over 2 in 5 have more than one animal in their home (42%). Dogs were the most common among pet parents (68%), followed by cats (41%), fish (4%) and birds (2%).
Who Rules the Roost? 3 in 5 pet owners allow their pets in all areas of their home (60%) and a similar share also give their pets free reign over the furniture (56%). While nearly 1 in 8 pet owners do not allow animals on the furniture (12%), some suspect that pets take advantage of the furniture when the owner is not home (3%). Pets are more likely to sleep in their own bed or crate than with their owners (52% versus 27%).
Custom Feeding Stations and More: Nearly 1 in 10 renovating pet owners added built-in areas as part of their home upgrades (7%), with sleeping or relaxation areas (61%), feeding stations (37%) and pet furniture (16%) topping the list. Other built-ins included grooming stations (14%) and play structures, litter boxes and outdoor enclosures, such as catios (9%, each).
Pet Peeves: The biggest pet-related challenges that owners face include an overabundance of fur and hair (61%), followed by tracked-in dirt, mud or other outdoor elements (56%), smells (28%) and keeping pet-related items organised and out of the way (26%).
Call in the Replacements: A third of pet owners report they had to replace a household item because of their pets (33%). Carpets or rugs are the most frequently replaced items (16%) due to damage by the pet, followed by furniture (9%) and clothing or shoes (8%).
The 2024 UK Houzz Pets & The Home Study surveyed pet owners who are in the midst of, are planning or recently completed a home renovation. The online survey was fielded to UK Houzz users in August 2024. n=1,633.
Houzz has a directory of over 3 million home remodelling and design professionals to assist with home projects and more than 25 million photos of professionally designed interiors and exteriors for inspiration. Houzz Pro provides industry professionals with a cloud-based, AI-powered project management and design software that helps them to run their businesses efficiently and profitably, including visual tools like 3D Floor Plans and Mood Boards that enable pros to help homeowners visualise their space and feel more comfortable moving forward with their project.
Source : Houzz
Image : Hampshire Design Consultancy Ltd

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