IKEA Group full year sales up 11.2%

The IKEA Group net income amounted to € 3.5 billion for the financial year 2015. Total sales increased by 11.2% from last year to € 31.9 billion. Together with the rental income from the shopping centre business, total revenue amounted to € 32.7 billion (+11.5%).
“We have a great year behind us and have invested considerably in sustainability, in creating a better offer as well as being more accessible”, says President and CEO Peter Agnefjäll as the IKEA Group launches its Yearly Summary and Sustainability report for 2015.
Most of the growth came from comparable stores, although new stores and online expansion contributed substantially to the result. While the growth is well distributed across most markets, Germany shows record growth and also Southern Europe is seeing a positive development. North America continues to do well, and the newest IKEA market, South Korea, performs above expectations.
The growth enables IKEA Group to continue to strengthen its core business: in existing IKEA stores, and also in new ways of meeting the customers online, through new store formats, and at pick up and order points. Continued investments will also be made in renewable energy and in products for a sustainable life at home.
“Action on climate change is both a driver for innovation and an opportunity to make our business even better, by for instance enabling our customers to live a more sustainable life at home”, continues Peter Agnefjäll. “In the past year, I’m particularly proud that we sold more than 90 million LED bulbs and lamps, not only enabling millions of households to cut on their energy bills, but also bringing significant energy savings”, says CEO Peter Agnefjäll.
IKEA Group continues to share its good result with co-workers. During FY15 €105 million was set aside to the loyalty programme Tack! as a token of appreciation for all co-workers. Since it was introduced two years ago a total of €305 million has been allocated.
Source : IKEA Press Release

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