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IKEA Group to nominate Lars-Johan Jarnheimer as new chairman of the board

Lars-Johan Jarnheimer will be nominated as new chairman of the INGKA Holding B.V Supervisory Board, the board of the IKEA Group, from January 2015.

He will succeed Göran Grosskopf who will take on the role as chairman of the owner foundation Stichting INGKA Foundation and its two related foundations Stichting IKEA Foundation (charity) and Stichting IMAS Foundation (management of financial assets).

“I am very happy that Lars-Johan is prepared to take on this assignment, says Göran Grosskopf. With his in-depth knowledge of the company and extensive experience from other parts of the business sector he is the right man to lead the board’s work into the future.”

“IKEA is a fantastic company, which I have been fortunate to work with in different roles for many years, says Lars-Johan Jarnheimer.

I very much appreciate the combination of entrepreneurial spirit and long-term focus. I look forward to the possibility to further contribute to the growth and success of the group together with all IKEA co-workers.”

Lars-Johan Jarnheimer was previously CEO at Tele2 and is currently a member of the Supervisory Board. Ingvar Kamprad remains senior advisor to the Supervisory Board.

Source : EPR Retail News

07 May 2014
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