Masseys bids for new £2m store
Masseys DIY has submitted proposals for a new £2m store in a bid to expand the business.
The retailer intends to move just yards away from its present store on Swadlincote Road, Derbyshire, to a brownfield site on the same road, previously occupied by a drinks manufacturing firm.
Co-owner Robert Massey told DIY Week that the business is currently "very short of space", and that he hopes to being building as soon as permission is granted by South Derbyshire District Council, a process which can take up to 13 weeks.
The new plans will more than double the size of the store, providing a bigger floor area, better parking and an improved layout.
Co-owner Pete Massey told the local press that the bigger site would allow the business to display more stock, and also bring its cookshop, currently based on Swadlincote High Street, into the building.
Masseys has traded on Swadlincote Road since 1947 and says it is keen to continue its association with that area.
Source : DIY
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