Retail Footfall Bounces Back Following Stormy Weather

Springboard has published retail footfall data for week 8 (20/02 - 26/02) revealing that there was a strong bounce back in footfall following storms Dudley and Eunice.
Springboard Index - Week 8 2022
2022 vs 2021 = +123.9%
2022 vs 2019 = -17.2%
Week-on-week = +11.1%
Springboard's Marketing and Insights Director, Diane Wehrle, said:
"Footfall across UK retail destinations bounced back in overall terms last week from the severe impact of the storms in the previous week. However, this was wholly due to a recovery in footfall on Friday and Saturday which was undoubtedly helped by the dry sunny weather over these two days, but also due to exceptionally low comparables for these two days in the week before as a consequence of the impact on footfall of Storms Dudley and Eunice.
"In contrast with Friday and Saturday - and despite the school half term - over the five days from Sunday to Thursday footfall was marginally lower last week than in the week before, with noticeable drops on Sunday and Monday.
"The return of employees to their offices appears to be continuing, with a rise in footfall last week in Central London and in Springboard's Back to the Office benchmark, which tracks activity in areas of Central London that are in close proximity to offices. However, it is likely that a large proportion of the uplift in Central London will have been driven by half term family trips to the capital as footfall in regional cities across the UK between Monday and Thursday increased only very marginally."
Source : Springboard

Thank you for the excellent presentation that you gave at Woodbury Park on Thursday morning. It was very interesting and thought-provoking for our Retail members. The feedback has been excellent.