Survey Reveals 18-24 Age Group Most Likely To Do DIY

Nationally representative research has revealed the most likely age group to use DIY to complete home improvements when moving to a new property are those aged between 18-24. Despite often being the least experienced, this age group is the most likely to reject professional help. The study surveyed more than 2000 people and revealed that 65% of 18-24 year olds would rather use DIY ahead of professional tradesmen, or splitting it between both DIY and paid labour. The survey, undertaken by Cogent in conjunction with Ragdoll, revealed that by contrast, those over the age of 55 are the least likely (35%) to use DIY to complete their home improvements. This age demographic is the most likely to hire professional help, despite perhaps being the most experienced in household DIY.
In the UK, 83% of 18-24 year olds are renters and the majority of this demographic (40%) state they will only stay in their new rental property for one – two years before moving again. However, this proves not to be a deterrent for decorating as 33% of this age group will still do some decorating despite not having ownership of the property.
Among other things such as carpets and flooring, furniture and garden supplies, 42% of those surveyed expressed they are most likely to spend money on decorating materials for their new place above any other home-related purchase. This research has been taken from Moving Minds, a study which reveals the motivations behind why people move home and the behavioural psychology that influences their spending decisions.
On average, each year around 11% of the UK’s adult population move home, according to Royal Mail*. However, due to the stamp duty holiday and a rise in remote work, this year the figures grew. Rightmove reported** a massive £37 billion worth of property sales agreed in July alone – the busiest month for home buying since they started tracking this data over ten years ago.
Moving home is an ‘inertia-buster’ that changes our spending behaviours dramatically. In the first 12 months after moving, we spend roughly the same on home improvements as we do in the five years that follow. With recent research suggesting 12% of all British homeowners*** have put their house on the market in the last quarter, brands in the home improvement & DIY sector find themselves in the biggest period of opportunity known in the last decade.
Gareth Evans, Head of Moving Minds at Cogent said: “This research gives us valuable insight into the mindset people are in when they move home. For brands in the DIY sector this can really focus marketing strategies so that our messages really resonate at a time when these people are most likely to spend.”
With record numbers of people moving and buying homes and a bigger focus than ever on our living and working space at home, The Moving Minds study provides DIY brands with the opportunity to look at home mover targeting from a fresh perspective. This behavioural insight will help unlock significant value from brand’s marketing investments and the spending power of home movers.
Cogent engaged the Head of the Department of Psychology at Durham University to overlay behavioural purchase decision profiles of those in the home mover process to develop the Moving Minds report. The full report can be downloaded via
Source : Cogent

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