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UK Tradespeople Note Increase In Jobs Focused On Saving Energy In The Home

Petmal iStockphotodotcom 538895150
  • 66% of jobs undertaken by tradespeople are designed to cut energy costs – up from 54% in 2023 

As energy prices remain high, research carried out by leading retailer for the trade Screwfix* has found that UK tradespeople are carrying out more jobs related to energy saving than ever before.

More than 600 UK tradespeople took part in the survey, which revealed that two thirds (66%) of all jobs carried out over the past year have had an energy saving focus - a figure that has risen from 54% in 2023**.

Reducing cost was a clear driver for homeowners, with 91% of UK tradespeople (up from 86% a year ago) saying that homeowners were motivated to switch to energy saving products to save money on their bills.

When questioned on what type of energy efficiency jobs tradespeople are being asked to undertake, energy saving lighting continues to top the list at 54%, followed by installing new radiators (37%). In 2024, smart thermostat installation (33%) and central heating maintenance (29%) overtook loft insulation (23%) as the next most popular job.

When asked which potential government-led incentives would encourage more homeowners to invest in energy efficient measures, 61% of tradespeople said energy efficiency grants for home improvements – the same as in 2023.

Jack Wallace, Marketing Director at Screwfix, said: “It is clear that energy price concerns continue to worry consumers across the UK. As a result, our survey has tracked a significant uplift in the number energy efficiency-related jobs tradespeople are doing. Those surveyed say that two thirds (66%) of their jobs are now energy saving based – a figure that has almost doubled in the past two years.

“With energy cost pressures likely to remain in the near future, we expect more consumers will be turning to tradespeople to help them identify and install a range of energy efficiency solutions that will help reduce the amount of energy consumed around the home.

“Screwfix has an important role to play in ensuring we offer unbeatable value for innovative product solutions that tradespeople need, to help them get their energy efficiency jobs done quickly, affordably, and right first time. And, by sharing their thoughts on this subject, we hope the industry can provide wider support to help in this crucial area.”

For more information, please visit

Source : Screwfix

Image : Petmal / / 538895150

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16 December 2024

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