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Wickes to open new store in Walton

Elmbridge Borough Council has received new plans to redevelop the former Dairy Crest site in High Street, Walton, with Travis Perkins looking to build a retail showroom, 14 homes and a storage/distribution unit.

New plans to redevelop the former Dairy Crest site in Walton have been submitted to Elmbridge Borough Council.

Travis Perkins has applied to demolish the existing buildings at 57-61 High Street and build a new Wickes retail showroom, with 14 homes above.

The applicant also wants to demolish the disused former milk depot to the rear of the property and construct a new unit.

This would be used to accommodate City Plumbing Supplies, which would relocate from nearby Churchfield Road.

Travis Perkins already has permission to build a trade counter with nine flats above on the site, as well as a terrace of five houses to the rear.

Source : Elmbridge Today

06 September 2011
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